You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > 4.4.6. Point of Sale - End of Day > End of Day - Till Reconciliation

End of Day - Till Reconciliation

If Till Reconciliation is enabled in your POS system, when you run the End of  Day process Micronet asks you to enter the current cash and coin in the register (after you have counted the actual coins/notes in the register).


Technical Tip

  • To enable till reconciliation in POS, the POS Till Reconciliation field must be set to Yes on the POS General Configuration screen – see "Edit - Applications - POS - Configuration".
  • To assist with the End of Day till reconciliation, before you process the End of Day you should print a Payment Summary which provides a total of each payment method for the cash register – see "Cash Register Inquiry - Payment Summary".
  • You may also obtain a printout from the card processing machine to assist with the reconciliation.

To enter the till reconciliation details:

  1. Run the End of Day process and display the End of Day Till Reconciliation screen.

Refer to "Point of Sale - End Of Day".

  1. Complete the following fields:






Enter the number of each denomination of currency held in the register, e.g. 2 x $100 notes, 5 x $50 notes. Do not remove currency to the value of your original float.



Micronet displays the value of each denomination of currency.


Payment Type

Micronet displays each payment type setup in your Micronet system. These may differ from the payment types shown on the screen above.



For the CASH payment type, Micronet displays the total value of cash you have already entered.

Enter the value of the remaining payment types processed in the cash register, e.g. the value of any cheque, EFTPOS or credit card sales processed in the register.


Total Money Received

Micronet displays the total amount currently held in the cash register for all payment types.

  1. Select the Accept button.

Micronet displays the End of Day Till Comparison screen.

This screen displays the following fields:





Till Float

The opening balance entered in the Beginning of Day procedure.


Payment Type

Each payment type setup in your Micronet system. These may differ from the payment types shown on the screen above.


Amount Entered

The amount entered for each payment type on the End of Day Till Reconciliation screen.


Register Total

The actual register total for each payment type.



The value of any variance between the Amount Entered and the Register Total for each payment type.



The totals for the Amount Entered, Register Total and Variance for all payment types.

  1. If there is a variance for one or more payment types:
  1. Optionally, select the Print button to print and verify the POS End of Day reports without processing the End of Day.

After printing, Micronet redisplays the End of Day Till Comparison screen.

  1. When there are no variances, select the Accept button.


Technical Tip

If you have tried unsuccessfully to reconcile the till, you can enter a reason for accepting the variance in the Variance Reason field and then select the Accept button. A supervisor must then authorise the posting of the variance.

Micronet processes the End of Day, prints the End of Day Cash Reconciliation, End of Day Dockets, and End of Day Summary reports, and clears all information in preparation for the next Beginning of Day.

The End of Day Cash Reconciliation report details the user defined values entered by the front counter when closing and reconciling the till each day versus the system generated totals for the day.

The End of Day Dockets report details the sales invoices and orders generated throughout the day in POS.

The End of Day Summary Report is a summary of the cash register movements for the day.